Junko Tabei: The First Woman to Scale Mt. Everest
Our newest strap of the season is not only cozy and transformative to our Chelsea boots but also inspired by the OG* queen of mountaineering. Junko Tabei (1939-2016) was the first woman to reach the Mt. Everest Summit at 35 years young and the first woman to climb the Seven...
Marie Laveau: la enigmática reina del vudú de Nueva Orleans
Marie Laveau, the legendary Voodoo Queen of New Orleans, remains an enigmatic figure whose life was shrouded in mystery and intrigue. If you've wondered who our Marie strap is named after, it's her!
Conoce a Janelle Abbott
Una mirada entre bastidores a la vida como propietario de una pequeña empresa en las industrias de la moda y el arte con Janelle Abbott, fundadora de Vestuario Therapy y Femail Forever. Janelle y yo nos conocimos por primera vez en Parsons, la Nueva Escuela de Diseño, en la sección...
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